Pulkovo EOP and Reference Systems Analysis Center |
PUL VLBI Analysis Center at Pulkovo Observatory
General Information |
Pulkovo EOP and Reference Systems Analysis Center (PERSAC) is located at the Pulkovo Observatory. Main PERSAC activities include:
Products |
Celestial Pole Offset (CPO) and Free Core Nutation (FCN). Four daily updated CPO and FCN series (models) are provided.
File fcn1.dat contains the ZM1 FCN model with variable amplitude and phase. This model is provided for the period from 1984.0 to (current date minus 1.5 yr) to obtain geophysically meaningful data without significant edge effect. The IVS combined EOP series is used for computation.
File fcn2.dat contains the ZM2 CPO model computed by smoothing the IVS combined EOP series with forward and backward prediction covering the period from 1976 to (last IVS EOP epoch plus 2 yr).
File fcn3.dat contains the ZM3 FCN model with variable amplitude and phase computes by the methods described in the paper 2 given below. This model is provided for the period from 1986.8 to (current date minus 215 days) to obtain geophysically meaningful data without significant edge effect.
File fcn4.dat contains the ZM4 CPO model, which is the ZM3 model with addition of the bias term.
The CPO models are aimed primarily at users who need the maximum accuracy of the CRF<->TRF transformation without bothering about theoretical background and geophysical meaning. The CPO models can also be used for improvement of the precession and low-frequency nutation conventional model. The FCN models are aimed primarily at users who are interested in geophysical interpretation of the observations.
If you use these CPO and/or FCN series in your work, please cite the following papers.
Malkin Z.M. (2007) Empiric Models of the Earth's Free Core Nutation. Solar System Research, Vol. 41, No. 6, 492-497. DOI: 10.1134/S0038094607060044
Malkin Z. (2013) Free core nutation and geomagnetic jerks. J. of Geodynamics, Vol. 72, 53-58. DOI: 10.1016/j.jog.2013.06.001
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Contact: Zinovy Malkin, malkin@gaoran.ru |